How To Private My Pinterest Account

How To Set Up a Private Pinterest Account

Are you looking to keep your Pinterest profile private? Follow these simple steps to set up a private account on Pinterest.

  • Log in to your Pinterest account.
  • Click on your profile icon in the top right corner.
  • Select “Settings” from the drop-down menu.
  • Scroll down to the “Privacy and data” section.
  • Toggle the “Keep your account private” option to on.
Question Answer
Can I make my Pinterest boards private? Yes, you can make individual boards private by editing the board settings and toggling the “Keep this board secret” option to on.
Will my existing pins be private when I make my account private? Yes, all of your existing pins will be private when you make your account private. However, any new pins you save will be public by default unless you change the board settings.
Can I make my Pinterest profile private on the mobile app? Yes, you can make your account private on the Pinterest mobile app by going to your profile, tapping on the three dots in the top right corner, and selecting “Edit settings”. From there, you can toggle the “Keep your account private” option to on.
Can I still collaborate on private boards with other users? Yes, you can invite other users to collaborate on private boards by adding them as a collaborator in the board settings. They will need to have a Pinterest account to access the board.
How do I make my Pinterest account public again? To make your account public again, simply go to your account settings and toggle the “Keep your account private” option to off.
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