How To Pinterest Dark Mode

How to Enable Dark Mode on Pinterest

Are you tired of the bright white interface on Pinterest? Want to give your eyes a break and try out the trendy dark mode? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to enable dark mode on Pinterest.

  • Dark mode is only available on the Pinterest mobile app for iOS and Android devices.
  • Make sure you have the latest version of the Pinterest app installed on your device.
  • Dark mode will automatically be enabled if you have your device’s system-wide dark mode setting turned on.
  • If you don’t have system-wide dark mode enabled, you can manually enable it in the Pinterest app settings.
Step Instructions
1 Open the Pinterest app on your device.
2 Tap on your profile icon in the bottom right corner.
3 Tap on the gear icon to access your settings.
4 Scroll down and tap on “Dark mode.”
5 Toggle the switch to enable dark mode.

FAQ about Pinterest Dark Mode

Q: Is dark mode available on desktop?

A: No, dark mode is currently only available on the Pinterest mobile app.

Q: Can I schedule dark mode to turn on and off at certain times?

A: No, dark mode can only be manually enabled or disabled in the app settings.

Q: Will dark mode affect the appearance of my pins?

A: No, dark mode only affects the interface of the app and does not change the appearance of your pins.

Q: Can I choose a different dark mode color scheme?

A: No, the dark mode color scheme is set by Pinterest and cannot be customized.

Q: How do I disable dark mode?

A: Simply go back to the “Dark mode” setting in the app and toggle the switch to disable it.

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